How to Establish Trust with Your Target Demographic

Trust is generally low among consumers. In fact, about 32% of consumers have trust for businesses and only about 13% trust advertising. So, if people don’t trust advertisements who do they trust? Their family, friends, and co-workers. You can take advantage of this trust. By establishing trust with your target demographic and making it a …

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Should You Pay for Leads to Expand Your Customer List?

The common thinking among many Internet marketers is that you are never supposed to buy email lists because the people on that list don’t know you. After all, you don’t know for sure they are open to what you are selling. They may mark you as spam and get you banned from email services. All …

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How to Control How Visitors Behave On Your Webpages

Once visitors arrive on your page, what can you do to help them make the decisions you want them to, such as following your CTA? To answer this question, you have to identify three things about your visitors: Why are they on your website? How do they make decisions? How can the answers to these …

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3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Writing eBooks as a Business Model

Now is the perfect opportunity to enter the eBook industry for anyone trying to get their feet wet and start making lots of money online for a few simple reasons. There is no other time in history where you are able to develop a product at little to no cost, develop a marketing strategy, and …

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How to Create Winning Headlines

If you want to get people reading your articles and emails, the first thing you need to do is come up with a good attention-grabbing headline.  It should pop right out at them, make them think, and get them to click through to read the rest. There is a bit of an art to this …

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How to Integrate Social Media into Your Business

Social media has exploded in popularity, so it shouldn’t be surprising that many marketers are advocating its use.  There are hundreds of millions of users across multiple social media platforms, and they interact with each other on a daily basis. The benefits this has to a marketer are clear. The problem is you need to …

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What Media Buys Are and How They Work

“Media Buys” is a term you’ll often hear in marketing circles.  They are widely used, yet some people still don’t understand what they are.  To put it as simply as possible, a media buy is basically advertising space purchased on some sort of media, like a website ad or TV commercial. There are a great …

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Setting Up a Six Figure Website

The amount of money you could potentially make online is astronomical.  Plenty of people have quit their full-time jobs because they managed to set up a system that makes more money than they thought possible.  With millions of dollars being spent online every day, it’s never been easier to capture a piece of that action. …

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